Executive Function Disorder

An Exemplary K-12 Boarding School for Students with ADHD

See What Sets Us Apart

Executive Function Disorder
In general, Executive Function refers to the cognitive and mental abilities that help students direct actions, control behavior, drive achievement, and plan for the future. According to the Center for the Developing Child at Harvard University, executive function and self-regulation skills depend on three types of brain function: working memory, mental flexibility, and self-control. These three functions must work together in goal-directed problem-solving.

Students with executive function disorder are unable to plan for and keep in mind future events.  They find it difficult to orchestrate actions to meet long-term goals. There’s a constant struggle to organize materials and set schedules. Controlling emotions or impulses can be a huge challenge, and they have difficulty analyzing or processing information. Students with executive function disorder might be overwhelmed with the demands of school life as they lack the ability to handle frustration, start and finish tasks, recall and follow multi-step processes, stay on track, self-monitor, and find a balance between academics and extracurricular activities.

While people are not born with executive function skills, we at Currey Ingram Academy believe that with consistent practice, these skills can be acquired and developed over time. These skills develop most rapidly in the early years (ages 3 to 5), but continue to grow throughout adolescence and into early adulthood. Our faculty and staff share a collaborative goal of helping all students improve in this area. We recognize that when executive function skills are strong, students will have greater success in school and in life.

Welcome from Head of School

At Currey Ingram Academy we settle for nothing less than being a global leader for students with learning differences. By promoting strengths and supporting differences, our students receive the education they truly deserve.
To ensure this occurs:

  • We place every student at the center of their own educational experience.
  • We ask how we can do better. We do not ask why the students can’t be better.
  • We provide success opportunities and communicate in every manner possible how students are being successful.
  • Athletics, arts, service learning and the sophisticated integration of technology, all support the core academic program.
  • If something is not working, we consult the evidence to determine what will work.
  • Moreover, our team of educators has the credentials and the passion to deliver on the promise that is our mission. 

On the tide of our 50th year as a school for students with learning differences, come discover what one parent in a recent email wrote...Currey Ingram has forever changed our lives. All our precious daughter needed was a place that understood who she was...it was clear from the first visit, Currey Ingram was such a place.
"Most amazing, compassionate, attention to detail and your child. Customized learning plans for every student. Above and beyond any school I have seen. I had to fight for anything I needed for my son at his last school. CIA let's me know what he needs. All schools should teach like CIA." - Angela Garner

"You will not find any school that works so compassionately to help individual students achieve success and tackle learning differences."
- Jayson Maynard

"Currey Ingram is the premier private school for children with learning differences in the country. It's why I moved to Nashville." - Anonymous parent testimonial from 2020-21 school survey

"We are so thankful for this school and knowing that my child is safe, happy and learning new things everyday gives us such comfort during these unprecedented times." - Anonymous parent testimonial from 2020-21 school survey

"The best, individualized learning experience in the world." - Anonymous parent testimonial from 2020-21 school survey

"Currey Ingram is the best decision that we have ever made for a child. It has been life changing." - Anonymous parent testimonial from 2020-21 school survey

"Everything we need for our child is under one roof. A place we trust for our child's social, emotional and academic learning. A place where our child is thriving. Best decision we ever made for our child." - Anonymous parent testimonial from 2020-21 school survey

List of 1 frequently asked questions.

List of 1 items.

Currey Ingram Academy is an exemplary JK-12 day and boarding school that empowers students with learning differences to achieve their fullest potential. Since 2002, the school has been located on an 83-acre campus in Brentwood, Tennessee, just miles from Nashville and Franklin. Families from 33 states and eight countries cite the school as their primary reason for moving to Middle Tennessee.

Currey Ingram Academy is accredited by the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) and AdvancEd/Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI).