Throughout the week, students attend a variety of enrichment classes, with the purpose of exposing students to a wide range of extracurricular subject areas. Classes are attended one to two times each week and include a developmentally appropriate curriculum that builds upon previously acquired content as students progress from primary to fourth grade. Classes include art, creative drama, music, Discovery Lab, library / LibTech, PE, character education and Connections Class.
Students explore and expand their individual creativity through the use of a variety of materials and artistic techniques. Historical and multicultural art sources are often incorporated into the visual arts curriculum to broaden student awareness and encourage an appreciation of art in its many forms. Students attend art class one or two times per week.
Creative Drama
Students will explore their creativity while enhancing their natural expression and effective communication skills through puppet theatre, scene work, stories, characterization, improvisation, movement and more. Students will write, produce and perform various informal and formal presentations throughout the year. Students participate in creative drama class one time each week.
Discovery Lab
The primary goal of this class is to learn by doing. It is designed to reinforce concepts and skills learned in the classroom by applying them to real-life situations. Students are involved in exploring their world through meaningful activities and experiments that encourage personal pride and responsibility. Students attend the Discovery Lab one or two times per week.
Lessons designed by a LibTech Integrationist are taught weekly in grades K-2 in the Learning Commons in Frist Hall. The focus is on Library skills and foundations for good digital citizenship. Students will be checking out books during this time; however, teachers and parents may escort their children to the library for additional time to explore and learn.
Students in grades 3-4 will attend a weekly LibTech class in the Learning Commons in Frist Hall to acquire research and technology skills to complete integrated learning projects. Librarians will also provide assistance in helping students find age appropriate library materials to check out.
Students learn to appreciate and enjoy music through vocal instruction, playing instruments, reading and notating music, listening to and evaluating music performances, moving to music, and exploring their creativity. Students attend music class one time each week. Students in third and fourth grades use recorders for part of their instruction. In addition, there is an afterschool choir opportunity for students in Grades 2-4 called the Singing Stallions. (Note: Specific areas of music instruction may be modified based on current health and safety recommendations.)
Physical Education
The physical education program is designed to promote healthy lifestyles and the enjoyment of physical activity. Skill development, fitness and wellness are emphasized, as well as positive group interactions among students. Opportunities for participation are provided in a non-threatening environment. Students in kindergarten through third grade participate in P.E. for five 30-minute sessions per week, while students in fourth grade participate in four 45-minute P.E. sessions per week. Students in the Lower School do not change clothes for P.E.; however, athletic shoes are required, and girls should wear tights, shorts or biker shorts under dresses and skirts. Shoes may tie or have Velcro fasteners but not zippers. Afterschool sports may include cross-country, basketball, soccer or cheerleading. Teams are formed according to student interest and the number of enrolled students.